Fishtravel; the greener option

FishTravel is devoted to delivering its services in the greenest manner possible; highlighted by being the only company of its kind to be Carbon Negative. Beyond this, FishTravel is also dedicated to promote and support suppliers of environmentally friendly lodges and push for green aspects at all lodges it represents. 

FishTravel believes that the fishing lodges and destinations should work in harmony with the local and surrounding environment; giving back and enhancing, not taking away and exploiting. Many destinations already have this as an underpinned ethos, with their business plan adopting ways of creating a better natural environment; be that from the habitat perspective or on an educational basis with the locals they work alongside. 

This becomes incredibly important when the virginal environments that some of these lodges are located are taken into consideration. We visit them for that pioneer feel, escaping off the grid and unearthing a hidden gem. We then have a duty of care to preserve such experiences, experiences that are becoming increasingly rare. 

From an internal perspective, FishTravel will always:

1. FishTravel uses Recycled or Eco-friendly paper; both from a document printing perspective and when producing marketing material such as brochures.

2. FishTravel operates digitally when passing through travel documents, both from an invoicing and final travel pack perspective, whenever possible. For this, we have a custom travel application that neatly stores and allows you to access your documents, no matter what time of day or night. When final documents are sent as hard copies, then we will always apply point #1.

3. Getting to / from the destinations we offer will require travel, there is no escaping that aspect. However, when doing so we will offer you details on offsetting your carbon footprint, with a document specifically about this supplied as part of your booking. 

4. To operate the business, FishTravel utilises an electricity company that supplies electricity originating from 100% renewable energy, highlighting FishTravel’s dedication to preserving the environment, even on a local perspective.  As an aside, the electricity company FishTravel uses also supports the Shark Trust, so FishTravel is support a green energy company that also supports other organisations trying to make a difference within the natural environment.

5. We believe in giving back to the environment, especially as it is these rare and often fragile environments that provide us with the greatest fishing opportunities. As such, FishTravel will personally undertake a ‘Buy One, Get One Tree’ promise. For every international trip that’s booked with FishTravel, FishTravel will plant a tree! 

6. It is often the small things that can make a big difference when adopted in large numbers. We do not want harmful chemicals entering fragile environments. As such, as part of your booking, FishTravel will provide you with a natural ingredients Shampoo Bar, which can also be used as a body soap. These are handmade in the UK exclusively for FishTravel. We go the extra mile to safeguard the future of these rare environments that you visit. 

FishTravel operates in a Carbon Negative manner and is also signed up to the Green Growth Pledge