If you’re looking for a remote location with lightly fished waters, combined with beautiful white sand flats then Lost Key Lodge is the one for you.
Located on Ragged Island, Lost Key Lodge offers both flats and bluewater fishing to just 4 anglers per week. This is a special place and one that we’re certain you will enjoy.
During your stay you have the opportunity to target big bonefish, permit, tarpon and more. A great mixed-species destination.
The Jumento Cays have long been known as the last bastion of untouched Caribbean fisheries. Just four anglers per week fish at Lost Key Lodge as they explore a pure and largely untouched ecosystem. This is private, exclusive Bahamas.
The croissant- shaped Jumento chain compromises islets, cays and rocks stretching over 110 miles. They include Great and Little Ragged Islands, Raccoon Cay, Hog Cay, Knife Cay, Nurse Cay, Flamingo Cay and Double –Breasted Cay. 60 miles north of Cuba, Lost Key Lodge is on the edge of The Bahamas in an undamaged Caribbean ecosystem. The waters teem with a wide variety of flats, reef, and pelagic fish.
The beaches are white sand, trackless and dotted with rare, delicate shells. Rainbow-hued fish that aren’t afraid of you will nose in to your feet as you wade and beach comb. Unless you see your angling partners, you won’t see another soul. Even conch fishermen who come in from Spanish Wells, Bahamas, to collect conch, are rare. You are alone amid the vast tropical sapphires of sky and sea. The Jumentos are as healthy as any wilderness can be today.
Of all the lodges in The Bahamas why choose Lost Key Lodge? The Jumentos Cays are a place lost in time. There are no other sport fishing operations and zero angler pressure. The lodge and the superb guide team are focused on showing you a truly once in a lifetime experience.
The beauty of Lost Key Lodge is its remoteness. With this remoteness comes very little fishing pressure, which, on the whole, is rare in The Bahamas. There are miles upon miles of flats fishing along white sand and clear water. The flats are full of life, but are famous for the bonefish, which reach into double figures and what The Bahamas have become synonymous for. However, beyond this, you also have a myriad of other species that can turn up given the remote setting, including permit, tarpon and more.
Lost Key Lodge also has access to a bluewater boat, where you can explore the drop-offs or generally further out to sea for a myriad of pelagic species. Needless to say, you will have a really varied week whilst at Lost Key Lodge and it has something to offer everyone.
There are five rooms in total at Lost Key Lodge, with each one being comfortable and clean. All rooms are air conditioned, with tile floors and private baths with showers. In the lounge area you’ll find a bar (tabs are settled at the end of your trip), a 52 flat-screen satellite TV and a fly-tying bench. Built in 2009 and rebuilt since Irma in September of 2017 it has all the amenities any angler might need for a comfortable stay. The lodge was built on a hill to take advantage of cooling breezes and to provide a scenic ocean side view. The boats are about a 2-minute walk from the lodge.
The cost of a 7 night stay with 6 days fishing is US$4,895 per person. This includes a single room at the lodge, meals and a shared guide basis. Flights to / from the island not included.