FishTravel’s greendentials are unsurpassed within the industry. We are trying to make a difference locally but also at the destinations we work with and represent.
To find out more about what FishTravel does to care and safeguard for the natural environment, please click HERE.
Following on from this, along with FishTravel’s Carbon Negative status and FishTravel’s Green Growth Pledge, we are taking it a step further by pledging to plant a tree for every booking we receive! Not only that, this will be done personally and it will be a fruit tree that is planted for each booking. The reason why fruit trees have been chosen is twofold:
- They give back more to the environment. Not only do they help reduce air pollution, but they help with producing spring pollen and nectar for pollinators, such as bees.
- FishTravel’s long-term vision is to literally feed the produce from these trees into the local community (for free) as they begin to bear fruit. Supplying them free of charge to local schools, food banks and more. This may take a few years to come to fruition, but the process has to start somewhere for future years and generations to benefit.
The fruit trees chosen and utilised will be rare heritage fruit trees, in order to help them survive and thrive into the future. They will comprise of a mixture of fruit types and also types whose fruit matures at different times of the autumn, to allow for the distribution and ‘shelf life’ to be maximised.
FishTravel will attempt to grow these trees in-house from grafting techniques, but, failing that, has a reputable supplier that will be utilised.
Beyond fruit trees, FishTravel will expand and include other tree types for a better balance and to achieve better woodland management. This will include indigenous species, but also tree types that have a track record of eliminating air pollution beyond their counterparts, trees such as silver birch. These trees will be planted in addition to the ‘Buy One Get one Tree’ initiative.